Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What is Therapy Dog Training

Therapy Dog Training? What is exactly meaning of it? Dog therapy is a dog that is used by certain people, or taken to certain environments to provide therapy in the form of comfort or friendship with people in need.

Health professionals recognize and appreciate the benefits that can be offered by dog ​​therapy. Therapeutic dogs do not have to have special tasks or jobs, they only provide comfort, and friendships with people who may benefit, such as people in wheelchairs, in assisted living facilities, parents, or hospital care for example.

So the therapy dog ​​does not perform certain tasks such as guiding the owner through obstacles, or responding to the ringing of the phone or doorbell, they are just as friends and for comfort and feel of good help.

Dog Suitable For Therapy Dog Training:
Not all dogs are suitable for therapy dog training, and some special training is required. Some dogs are uncomfortable with strangers, children, wheelchairs, new neighborhoods, people using stick or stick, or with medical equipment near them for example.

Dog training therapies combine socialization in such environments, so they become relaxed around medical equipment, and feel happy and calm to meet new people in new situations. Also keep in mind that everything related to your dog may not pat your dog gently, some may be clumsy, and certainly not all will be quiet, some may also shout. It is important that in this situation your dog remains calm and calm, as some people may be less mobile, less controllable, and less able.

Teaching your dog to crawl up into a lap, to a chair or bed is an essential part of therapy dog training. The reason for teaching your dog to do this is that some people may be lying in bed or can not bend or descend to the dogs level. So for the dog to get closer, the role of the dog can rise to the level of people. This can be very strange to some dogs because many owners train their dogs to not wake up with people or furniture. So, a little rehearsal is required in this situation but it can be done.

Best breed for Therapy Dog Training:
It should be remembered that not all dogs are suitable for such a role. This dog should be friendly, calm, patient, adaptable, and gentle. They need disposition and personality to deal with unpredictable situations. They should also be calm and accept strangers as well. There are several breeds that are considered more appropriate than others, for example the Golden Retriever is generally a happy, calm and friendly dog. However this is not set in stone, there will be mongrels and dogs from other breeds as well that can match, it all depends on the individual.

Alternative Animal Therapy:
Not just the role of dogs that can be used as animal therapy. Other types of animal therapy include guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, and ponies. Not everyone has an environment for ponies, but there is a center where people can undergo therapy with horses, and I know someone who used to bring their ponies for a visit to a local school class for disabled kids, the kids really love it ; it was a boost for their day. Whatever the animal is, it is important that they are properly trained and socialized to deal with the situation as discussed above.

So if you're looking for a useful way to help improve the quality of life and make a real difference to others, and of course you have the right pets that are appropriate and enjoy this fun and therapeutic and highly rewarding activity. Why? do not consider therapy dog training and help others in need.

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