Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Top 11 Dog Care You Must To Know

Top 11 Dog Care You Must To Know - A dog can be a great addition to any home, but whether you are an experienced pet parent or first-time adopter, it is important to keep your dog's health and happiness a priority. Here are some useful tips for all dog parents.

And remember: If you are considering taking home a new dog, please adopt your first choice. We recommend searching the pickup dog directory in your area or visit the Find a Shelter page to start your search.

  • Puppies aged eight to 12 weeks need four times a day.
  • Child feeds eat three to six months three times a day.
  • Feed puppies six months to a year twice a day.
  • When your dog reaches his first birthday, one meal a day is usually enough.
  • For some dogs, including larger canines or bloated ones, it is better to feed two small meals.

Premium quality dried foods provide balanced meals for adult dogs and can be mixed with water, broth or canned food. Your dog may enjoy cottage cheese, cooked eggs, fruits and vegetables, but these additions should not exceed ten percent of daily dietary intake.

Puppies should be fed high-quality branded dog food (great breed children's food for large breeds). Please limit "food people," because it can lead to imbalances of vitamins and minerals, bone and teeth problems and can lead to very picky eating habits and obesity. Clean and fresh water should be available at all times, and be sure to always wash dishes and water.

Dogs need to exercise to burn calories, stimulate their minds, and stay healthy. Individual training needs vary by breed or breed, gender, age and health level. Exercise also tends to help the dog avoid boredom, which can lead to destructive behavior. The excitement and supervised game will satisfy your pet's instinctive drive for digging, herding, chewing, picking and chasing.

Help keep your dog clean and reduce brushing with frequent brushing. Check for ticks and ticks daily during warm weather. Most dogs do not need to be bathed more than a few times a year. Before showering, comb or scissors all mats from the coat. Carefully rinse all the soaps from the mantle, or dirt will stick to the soap residue

To bring a puppy or a small dog, place one hand under the dog's chest, with your forearm or your hand supporting your hind legs and buttocks. Never try to lift or grab a puppy or your little dog with a foreleg, tail or back of the neck. If you have to lift a big dog, lift it from the bottom, support his chest with one hand and the back end with the other.

Your pet needs a warm and quiet place to rest, away from all the drafts and from the floor. A training chest or dog bed is ideal, with a clean blanket or pillow placed in it. Wash dog beds frequently. If your dog will spend much time outdoors, make sure he has access to the shade and plenty of cold water in hot weather, and warm and dry shelters in cold weather.

Licensing and Identification
Follow your community's licensing rules. Be sure to attach a license to your dog's collar. This, along with the ID tags and embedded microchips or tattoos, can help secure your dog back if he gets lost.

Fleas and Lice
Your dog's daily examination for ticks and ticks during the warm season is important. Use flea comb to find and remove lice. There are several new methods of controlling lice and ticks. Talk to your veterinarian about these and other options.

Medicines and Toxins
Never give your dog a medicine that has not been determined by the veterinarian. If you suspect that your animal has ingested toxic substances, contact your veterinarian.

Spaying and Neutering
Female dogs should be spayed and male dogs castrated at the age of six months.

Your dog may benefit from receiving a number of vaccinations.

Dog Checklist
  • Premium food and dog food
  • Food dishes
  • Water bowl
  • Toys, toys and other toys, including chewing toys are safe
  • Brush & comb for treatment, including flea combs
  • Collar with license tag and ID
  • Leash
  • Carrier (for smaller dogs)
  • Training crate
  • Dog bed or box with warm blanket or towel
  • Dog toothbrush

Scoop on Poop
Keep your dog on the rope while you are out, unless you are in a safe and fenced area. If your dog defecates in the neighbor's yard, on the sidewalk or other public places, please clean it up.

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